Monkeys are primate. Other example of primate are man, ape and baboons. Monkeys are found in tropical forest in Asia, Africa, Central and South America and in parts of south-western Europe. They have four limbs to travel. They live in trees. However, some monkeys like baboons live on the ground. In addition, some monkeys use their tails to help them move from branch to branch.
Most monkeys look for food during the day and sleep during the night. Usually they move in groups to search for food. They eat young leaves and fruits of trees and plants. However, when they are hungry they may event eat insects, bird, egg and small reptiles.
There are two groups of monkeys - the New World monkeys and the Old World monkeys live in Africa and Asia. The New World monkeys have broad noses. Most of them have grasping tails. Their tails help them to grip branches and swing from tree to tree. Examples of these are Spider and Squirrel monkeys.
The Old World monkeys have longer noses and their eyes are closer together. The largest group of Old World monkeys are found in Asia, Northern Africa and parts of Europe. Rhesus monkeys and the long-nosed Proboscis monkey are Old Wold monkey.
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